Laser engraving (grawer)

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Professional custom-made laser engravings. Professional engraving performed on the surface of the pen or pencil. Laser engraving is made on article writing instrument. We give you the opportunity to create a unique gift. Engraving on the pen will personalize a unique article. It is the most valuable gift You can give - see the happiness on the face of the recipient. Using the engraving sending your special person sympathy, love, gratitude. It is a way for genuine thanks, can be a great advertisement for companies.. When buying a pen with laser-made inscription you can make pen unique and unrepeatable. The unique computer-controlled device allows for high quality inscription on the surface of the pen. Engraved text will not rub off, it is very durable. Acceptance of visualization: Using the available fonts and graphics you have the opportunity to prepare by yourself unique pattern engraving. Autograwer gives you the opportunity to prepare and visualize any alignment of the text. Our application Autograwer will design the text according to your wishes. Simply select the product of your interest, add it to your cart and add engraving directly in the basket. For Your disposal are also our shop employees who wants to answer questions, prepare and transmit pattern engraving for approval. Individual performance visualization constitutes acceptance of design and shortens the waiting time for the engraved product. Visualize engraving can also be obtained by e-mail, then we look forward to approval sent pattern. Rules of order engraving: We will engrave product when your payment is booked and after accepting visualization. Please take into account when calculating the period of delivery. Estimated time of completion is 2-3 working days + delivery time. * * Duration of engraving services is in orientation time and can be changed.   NOTE: Carefully enter text for engraving, because our staff is not responsible for the correct spelling and grammar.   Features of laser engraving: • laser brings out the color of the base body, so in the case of lacquered products engrave will be in gold brass colour • On steel products, the laser burns the surface, leaving oxidized gray-steel engraving We do not engrave the following pens and Parker pens line: Charlston, some Expert's, some Perspective, some Carene Deluxe. The technology does not allow these products to use laser engraving. The following template fonts - please specify in the order, which font to use.

Numero di catalogo grawer
Stile classico
Materiale di pennino acciaio
Sottile no
Edizione offerta ordinaria
* - Campo obbligatorio

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Chiamaci +48 668 949 599
Consegne veloci e sicure effettuate da GLS corriere espresso
Servizio di confezionamento regali - scatola rossa